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Dan Tanner

Markdown Notes

tl;dr; markdown files + file syncing + built-in OS file searching = easy organized notes

I've been doing more devops work the last couple years, which requires a broader and shallow level of knowledge vs. writing code in one or two languages for months at a time.

Because of the dozens of tools I need to juggle, because I forget things, and because I forget things, keeping good notes is essential.

I'm surprised at how many programmers don't keep any notes at all, so hopefully this will convince a couple people to invest a little in their flow. Thanks to Ted Naleid for showing me his workflow; it motivated me to properly organize my notes.

History #

I've used a few different combination of styles for keeping programming notes over the years:

I've never been content with any of them. None of them had all these features:

Here's what works for me:

Step 1 - Choose Your File Format #

I use markdown. I would suggest that unless you really like some competing but similarly simple format. Don't use a binary format. Don't use HTML. Don't use a format that will be hard to programmatically convert from ten years from now when it becomes obsolete.

Step 2 - Choose Your File Syncing Tool #

I use dropbox, and keep my notes in /Dropbox/code/notes.

Step 3 - Organization #

Now it's just a matter of creating your files and filling them up as you go along. I have a file per tool or concept, and keep project-specific notes in their folder. e.g.:

➜  notes tree
├── weatherbane

Step 4 - Workflow Notes #

I can usually remember the name of the file I want to open, and that's how I usually access the files. e.g. with Alfred on OS X, where Cmd-Space is the hotkey to bring up the search box: Cmd-Space open postg and then the tool will autocomplete to, and I'll hit enter to open the file in my favorite text editor.

On my Android phone, I use JotterPad to view and (rarely) edit notes.

More Ideas #